Category Archives: gottagettagirlfriend

Bathing Suits

Bathing Suits

Yesterday ended most of my work week and we celebrated with a little time poolside.

One of the greatest things about a girlfriend is when you can wear  your bathing suit in front of them without fear of judgement or self-consciousness. I have always been a bit more on the modest side of things and it took me some time to overcome this issue.

Even though I am currently trying to eat more healthy and eat less, in order to have less flesh, I still have progress to make. I enjoyed yesterday’s afternoon splash because I felt at home with these girlfriends in my bathing suit. Granted, I was at home, but I think you understand what I am saying, ladies.

We are bombarded with expectations from our culture of what we should “all” look like. Let’s face it, we are all shaped differently. I think one of the most attractive attributes of a woman is her self-confidence. Unfortunately, it is yet another area that we must strive to maintain daily. We don’t just arrive there and never have to self-talk again.

Several years ago, I spent many an afternoon with a group of women who indirectly taught and supported me to feel my best, even in a bathing suit. I wouldn’t trade those memories for anything.

Yesterday, I felt good in my suit and in the cool water of my backyard pool. Thanks to my girlfriends for not judging me.

gottagettagirlfriend. I highly recommend it.

what are girlfriends good for?


If you have noticed my blog name, and compared my posts, you may wonder if I am out of my mind or if I am going somewhere with this…I’ll let you answer that one. 🙂

I strive for balance and harmony in all areas of my life. I like (most) all things in moderation. As I share with you fun times in my life, or thoughts, I am attempting to let you get to know me.

I am happily married, to my soulmate, and blessed beyond measure in that area.

I have a loving family relationship with my parents.

I have many acquaintances and friends via face to face and via the internet.

I have a relationship with God, my creator and His Son, my salvation: Jesus Christ.

What I plan to share with you on this site, however may at times include any one of these relationships, but in time, it will focus more on a relationship that is equally important to most:

the girlfriend.

Last weekend as I traveled to San Diego California with my co-workers and my boss and his wife, I was reminded of the importance of girlfriends.

You may see this as shallow, but a woman finds a part of her identity in the mirror of her girlfriends. I know this because I have had times of plenty and times of lack in terms of girlfriends.

As we were getting ready to end our trip, my roommates and I discussed how girlfriends influence our lives and our happiness and even, yes our own self-confidence.

Because of my optimistic nature, I want to only focus on the positive impact girlfriends make on us, maybe we can talk about the bad experiences another time.

Girlfriends can motivate us to look and feel our best, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly.

Girlfriends can be our own personal cheering section when we have the trust shared to know we can be so vulnerable with them and expose our fears or negative thoughts.

Girlfriends can be good examples to us to do the right thing.

Girlfriends can laugh with us and shop with us and listen to us complain about things that really don’t matter in the big picture but we just need to get off our chest.

Girlfriends can support us when we are going through challenging times in our life without fear of judgement.

Girlfriends can inspire our creativity whether its decorating around our home, trying out a new recipe, rock-climbing or landscaping.

Girlfriends can encourage us to use our talents and break out of our comfort zone.

These are just the tip of the iceberg with girlfriends. I welcome your thoughts and experiences about times shared with girlfriends.

Just remember, you


(I would like to add the disclaimer to all my other girlfriends not featured in today’s photos and posts…I have not forgotten you. Stay tuned.)